Roadmap to Integrate Clean Offshore Renewable Energy into Climate-smart Marine Spatial Planning (2021)
This roadmap presents a framework for climate-smart MSP aiming to respond to the urgency of decarbonization that is needed to meet the meet the Paris Agreement temperature goal to limit global warming to 1.5°C. Specifically, it strives to support a more rapid, socially acceptable and just implementation of offshore renewable energy as one of the key clean energy sources for getting to net zero as quickly as possible. As such, the roadmap encourages not only an increase of offshore renewable energy — with offshore wind energy being the most promising option currently — but also its co-use with other climate-smart uses of the ocean and climate solutions — such as natural carbon sinks and nature restoration, low-trophic aquaculture and other innovative forms of renewable energy.
Capacity development in marine spatial planning (2021)
s.Pro was leading author of the IOC-UNESCO policy brief „Capacity development in marine spatial planning“ developed in the framework of the MSPglobal Initiative.
Capacity development in Marine/Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) may be defined as the process through which resources, skills and knowledge of individuals and institutions are developed and enhanced to better lead, participate in and/or support the MSP process. It should encompass a systems approach whereby individuals, institutions as well as the wider society are the recipients of targeted actions.
The brief is one out of five policy briefs highlighting the importance of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) for a sustainable governance of the ocean. These documents aim to help decision-makers and relevant stakeholders make coordinated decisions that allow for a more sustainable use and management of marine resources.
NorthSEE Project Interim Findings Report (2020)
This publication (authored by s.Pro) synthesises the main project reports and maps, and delivers an overview of the main interim project results.
In line with the project aims, the publication is contributing to better coherence in MSP processes and maritime spatial plans across the North Sea Region for three transnational topics: Shipping routes, Energy Infrastructure and Environment.
It is designed for planners, sector and regional stakeholders, experts, and the members of future cooperation projects. As such, it is providing recommendations for transnational dialogue for the coordination of MSP in the North Sea Region beyond the lifetime of the project.
EBA in MSP – a SEA inclusive handbook (2019)
In the Pan Baltic Scope project, Maritime
Spatial Planning (MSP) authorities and
Regional Sea Organizations in the Baltic
Sea Area took up the work of former
projects, such as Baltic Scope, focussing
on cross-border collaboration.
This handbook aims to be a practical tool
for the planners' daily work in a transboundary
environment – in the Baltic Sea
and beyond. Addressing the implementation
of an Ecosystem-based Approach
(EBA), guiding through the comparison
of different Strategic Environmental
Assessments (SEA) and linking MSP to
other key policies like the EU Marine
Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Authors: Susanne Altvater – s.Pro and Ivana Lukic – s.Pro – sustainable projects GmbH; Silke Eilers – AquaEcology. Eds: Philipp Arndt – Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH)
Jan Schmidtbauer Crona – Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SwAM).
Cross-border consultation on Maritime Spatial Plans (June 2019)
The study is intended to inform the design and execution of cross-border consultation exercises - either as part of developing an initial maritime spatial plan, revising an existing plan, or a preparing a “next generation” plan - as well as advise those who are expected to respond to a consultation request. Recognising that Member States and countries have their own rules and procedures for engaging in such consultations, and that MSP is not a “one size fits all” approach, the study is in no way prescriptive. Rather, the study aims at providing a set of recommendations and considerations for those who have to design, or respond to, a consultation request. Corporate author(s): ECORYS , Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (European Commission), S.Pro, Thetis, University of Liverpool.
Personal author(s): Waldmann, Clare; Onwona Ansong, Joseph; Schultz-Zehden, Angela.
Addressing conflicting spatial demands in MSP. Considerations for MSP planners: final technical study (June 2019)
This report presents the key findings of a study that was carried out in 2018 to explore the range of spatial conflicts experienced in MSP in Europe. The aim was to provide an overview of common types of spatial conflicts and solutions that have been found in various EU Member States, with particular focus on spatial conflict prevention and mitigation. This report looks at the different conflict potential of sectors, conflicting issues and stakeholder contexts, as well as different types of solutions and conditions for applying them. Corporate author(s): ECORYS, European MSP Platform, Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (European Commission), S.Pro, Thetis, University of Liverpool.
Personal author(s): Ooms, Erik; Onwona Ansong, Joseph; Lukic, Ivana; Schultz-Zehden, Angela; Gee, Kira; Passerello, Cristian.
Toward a Common Understanding of Ocean Multi-Use (2019)
s.Pro in cooperation with the SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth has recently published an academic paper “Toward a Common Understanding of Ocean Multi-Use”, resulting from the MUSES (Multi-Use in European Seas) project. This contribution aims to generate a common language and typology for current multi-uses, thereby creating a starting ground for a more conceptual study of this field. The paper emphasises the connectivity of uses and users as a unique characteristic of ocean multi-use, and analyses it in a set of four dimensions: the spatial, temporal, provisioning, and functional dimensions.
Spatial Economic Benefit Analysis: Facing integration challenges in maritime spatial planning (2019)
s.Pro has authored a study on the way Spatial Economic Benefit Analysis (SEBA) helps MSP overcome diverse integration challenges: different forms of knowledge, various stakeholders, policies and sectors as well as different scales, national borders and the interface of land and sea. MSP already integrates different views such as ecological and jurisdictional. However, there is room for improvement in integrating economic, social and cultural perspectives. Tools to analyse the economic effects of planning decisions are, admittedly, rare. To close this gap, the Spatial Economic Benefit Analysis (SEBA) tool has been developed. Angela Schultz-Zehden (s.Pro managing director) and Barbara Weig (former consultant at s.Pro) provide a comprehensive overview of SEBA in their new article.
Maritime Spatial Planning: past, present, future (2019)
This open access book is the first comprehensive overview of maritime or marine spatial planning. Countries across the globe are beginning to implement maritime spatial plans; however the authors of this collection have identified several key questions that are emerging from this growing body of MSP experience. s.Pro experts have made a significant contribution to this publication.
It is edited by s.Pro's external experts Kira Gee and Jacek Zaucha. The following chapters are written or co-authored by the experts of s.Pro sustainable projects:
-The Ocean Perspective, by Kira Gee.
-Challenges and Opportunities for Ecosystem-Based Management and Marine Spatial Planning in the Irish Sea, by Tim O’Higgins, Linda O’Higgins, Anne Marie O’Hagan, and Joseph Onwona Ansong.
-Maritime Spatial Planning and the EU’s Blue Growth Policy: Past, Present and Future Perspectives, by Angela Schultz-Zehden, Barbara Weig, and Ivana Lukic.
-The Need for Marine Spatial Planning in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction, by Susanne Altvater, Ruth Fletcher, and Cristian Passarello.
-Can Classical Location theory Apply to Sea Space? by Jacek Zaucha.
-Towards a Ladder of Marine/Maritime Spatial Planning Participation, by Andrea Morf, Michael Kull, Joanna Piwowarczyk, and Kira Gee.
-Education and Training for Maritime Spatial Planners, by Helena Calado, Catarina Fonseca, Joseph Onwona Ansong, Manuel
Frias, and Marta Vergílio.
Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) Toolkit
The MSP toolkit, prepared by s.Pro, is available online. It was developed for the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) project LME: LEARN Project (Large Marine Ecosystems: Learning Exchange and Resource Network). The toolkit provides practitioners with practical guidance, examples of tools and methods that are necessary for designing and carrying out the MSP process in a Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) context.
Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) for Blue Growth Study (2018)
The study provides guidelines for successful MSP. It is divided into three parts, presenting a methdodology for creating an MSP vision process, 9 maritime sector analysis fiches with a specific focus on MSP, and an MSP Indicator Handbook.
Towards an implementation strategy for the sustainable Blue Growth Agenda for the Baltic Sea Region (June 2017)
The report, which was elaborated by s.Pro for the European Commission (DG MARE), collates the results of a systematic stakeholder dialogue in the Baltic Sea Region. The aim of the dialogue was to identify and discuss in greater depth the processes necessary to realise the Baltic Blue Growth Agenda in the coming years. s.Pro is the author of the publication.
PROJECT: Towards an implementation strategy for the Baltic Blue Growth Agenda
Spatial economic benefit analysis (BONUS BaltSpace project report) June 2017
The BONUS BALTSPACE project aims to analyse integration as a key mechanism in Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP). The report gives answers to the questions: Who benefits from which marine use? Where are those beneficiaries geographically located? Which integration challenges can be met by the tool “spatial economic benefit analysis”? Which are the limitations of the tool?
MSP data study - Evaluation of data and knowledge gaps to implement MSP (Winter 2016)
The MSP Data Study, undertaken on behalf of DG MARE between February and December 2016, presents an overview of what data and knowledge are needed by Member States for MSP decision making, taking into account different scales and different points in the MSP cycle. It examines current and future MSP data and knowledge issues from various perspectives (i.e. from Member States, Sea Basin(s) as well as projects and other relevant initiatives).
MSP Governance Framework Report (June 2014)
s.Pro is the author of the MSP Governance Framework Report presented at the Baltic Maritime Spatial Planning Forum in Riga on 17-18 June 2014. The report draws on state-of-the-art analysis of pan-Baltic cooperation in the field of MSP including a broad set of interviews with sector representatives and MSP governance experts. It provides recommendations to the HELCOM-VASAB Working Group on MSP for developing guidelines on transnational cooperation and consultations, as well as on public participation.
Study in support of impact assessment work on Blue Biotechnology (October 2014)
The European Commission (DG MARE) has published the “Study in support of impact assessment work on Blue Biotechnology”, co-developed by s.Pro as part of a consortium under a Service Framework Contract with DG MARE. The main purpose of the study has been to assist stakeholders to fully deliver on the potential of Blue Biotechnology for growth and jobs by promoting the sector’s sustainability, competitiveness and visibility.
PROJECT: Blue Biotechnology Study
Support activities for the development of maritime clusters in the Mediterranean and Black Sea areas (August 2014)
With this project, s.Pro (co-author) and its partners have provided a clear picture of maritime clusters in the Mediterranean and Black Sea areas in terms of patterns (public or private driven, market outreach, value-chains, geography of business relations), quality and quantity of partners. Within the overall study s.Pro has been in particular responsible for the Adriatic-Ionian sub-sea basin.
PROJECT: MedCluster Study
Baltadapt Action Plan. Recommended actions and proposed guidelines for climate change adaptation in the Baltic Sea Region (August 2013)
The Baltadapt Action Plan promotes the implementation of the Baltadapt Strategy and specifies priority activities for climate change adaptation in the Baltic Sea Region.
PROJECT: Baltadapt
Baltadapt Strategy for adaptation to climate change in the Baltic Sea Region (August 2013)
The Baltadapt Strategy aims to prepare the ground for a politically endorsed Baltic Sea Region-wide strategy for adaptation to climate change in the Baltic Sea Region.
PROJECT: Baltadapt
BaltSeaPlan Findings: Experiences and Lessons (March 2013)
s.Pro is the author of the publication BaltSeaPlan Findings: Experiences and Lessons (March 2013), a summary report on outputs achieved by the BaltSeaPlan project as well as future actions needed to further develop maritime spatial planning in the Baltic Sea Region and beyond. The publication was launched at an expert workshop with the European Commission in March 2013 in Brussels.
PROJECT: BaltSeaPlan
Study on Blue Growth, Maritime Policy and the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (December 2013)
Under a Service Framework Contract with the EU Commission / DG MARE, s.Pro as part of the EUNETMAR consortium has developed a study on Blue Growth, Maritime Policy and the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region.
The aim of the study is to ensure seamless interfacing between the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR), the Blue Growth and the Europe 2020 agenda, as well as the 2014-2020 programming period.
PROJECT: Baltic Study
SUBMARINER Roadmap – Towards blue-green economy in the Baltic Sea Region (September 2013)
s.Pro is also co-author and editor of the publication "SUBMARINER Roadmap. Towards blue-green economy in the Baltic Sea Region" (September 2013). Based on the findings of the Compendium, the SUBMARINER Roadmap promotes new initiatives in the field of sustainable and innovative uses of Baltic marine resources
SUBMARINER Compendium – An Assessment of Innovative and Sustainable Uses of Baltic Marine Resources (Autumn 2012)
This joint output of the SUBMARINER project provides, for the first time, a comprehensive assessment of the potential for innovative and sustainable uses of Baltic marine resources. s.Pro is co-coordinator and editor of the publication.