Seas and oceans are drivers for the European and global economy and have great potential for innovation and growth. Without the maritime contribution it would be impossible to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals or the goals of the Europe 2020 strategy.
s.Pro is committed to a sustainable Blue Economy in parallel with the protection and management of marine resources. From 2012 s.Pro was working on a Framework Contract from DG MARE to promote sustainable, smart and inclusive maritime growth and employment in sea-oriented and coastal regions in the EU. In the framework of this contract, renewed in 2014, we have worked on several Blue Growth studies (e.g. for the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean) and completed this assignment in 2017 with launching the report “Towards an implementation strategy for the sustainable Blue Growth Agenda for the Baltic Sea Region”.
On the regional level s.Pro has developed and coordinated numerous Interreg projects in the field of the blue-green economy. As a follow-up to one of these projects, Submariner, s.Pro became the driving force for the creation of the Submariner Network. s.Pro is a founding member of the Submariner Network and host of its secretariat.
Estuaries are the interfaces between land and sea. They are dynamic and valuable ecosystems traditionally shaped by different kinds of human uses and activities like port and industrial development, flood regulation, transportation, food production and recreation. Sine 2010 s.Pro is working with ports and public authorities to achieve the right balance between economic growth and environmental protection in estuaries. Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) is the process for the management of the coast also outside of estuaries. ICZM is at the heart of s.Pro’s activities ever since the company was founded.
Samples of projects: