As a consultancy at the intersection of various programmes and projects, we analyse their results from a broader perspective. Additionally, we compile commissioned studies and reports in direct response to our client’s information needs. Our aim is to produce reports that result in concrete sets of conclusions and recommendations, which are both visionary and can be realistically implemented in the conditions set. For this purpose, our reports are made to be readily understandable to a wide audience from different sectors and cultures.
- Carries out specific in-depth sector and country studies, based on desk research, surveys, in-depth interviews and targeted stakeholder meetings
- Produces “applicable” reports that result in concrete sets of conclusions and action-ready recommendations,
- Evaluates and monitor both programmes and projects, as well as authoring impact studies,
- Develops policy recommendations, "best practice" reports, handbooks and guidelines,
MSP for Blue Growth Study – Under the EU MSP Platform, s.Pro co-authored the study on MSP for Blue Growth (2018) for the European Commission. s.Pro led development of the Handbook on Visions for MSP, intended to assist planners in developing a maritime vision or strategy, and contributed to the nine maritime sector fiches as well as the MSP Indicator Handbook.
MSP Data Study – s.Pro was the lead author on the MSP Data Study (2016), written for the European Commission under the EU MSP Platform. The study presents an overview of the data and knowledge needed by Member States to make MSP decisions, taking into account variations in scale and the differing points in the MSP cycle.
Towards an implementation strategy for the Sustainable Blue Growth Agenda for the Baltic Sea Region (2017) – this report was elaborated by s.Pro for the European Commission (DG MARE). It collates the results of a systematic stakeholder dialogue in the region. The aim of the dialogue was to identify and discuss in greater depth the processes necessary to realise the Baltic Blue Growth Agenda in the coming years.
For further examples of our work, have a look at our selected publications
A selection of studies: